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2019     FedEx Institute of Technology,Agriculture and Food Technologies Research Cluster ($20,000)

Title: Machine learning approach for predicting biodiversity 

PI Youngsang Kwon Co-PI Deepak Venugopal, Computer Sciences 


2019     CAS research instrumentation funds to upgrade department GPS instrumentation ($33,000 total cost)

PIs Andrew Mickelson & Youngsang Kwon


2019     Travel Enrichment Funds for summer 2019 ($400) 

Ecological Society of America (ESA) meeting at Louisville, KY


2017     FedEx Institute of Technology ($20,000)

Title: Drone Imaging of Active Sand and Gravel Quarries to Optimize Exploration and Mining

Duration: March 1,2017 – February 29, 2018

PI Dr. Dr. Roy Van Arsdale

Co-PI Dr. Youngsang Kwon, Dr. David Lumsden, Dr. Randel Cox, and Dr. Andrew Mickelson


2016     City of Memphis ($10,000)

Title: A Planning Support System for Comprehensive Planning and Zoning: A Geospatial Simulation Model of Land Use, Land Cover Change for the Memphis Metropolitan Region. 

PIs Youngsang Kwon and Reza Banai. 


2016     Faculty Research Grant (University of Memphis, $ 6,000)

Title: Mapping the Morphology of Urban Sprawl: A Pilot Study of The Memphis Metropolitan Region. 

PI Youngsang Kwon, Co-PI Reza Banai. 

University of Memphis

© 2015 Youngsang Kwon

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